Laser or Beads-induced Ocular Hypertension


Use of laser photocoagulation of trabecular network or beads injection to the anterior chamber to and reduce the flow of aqueous humor and increase intraocular pressure, leading to loss of retinal ganglion cells and thinning of retinal nerve fiber. This model (monkey, rat) can be used to evaluate the efficacy of intraocular pressure and neuroprotection drugs.

Fig. Laser increased 

Fig. Comparison of ocular pressure of lasered right eye (OD) and the control left eye (OS).

Fig. Assessment of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness (RNFLt) by OCT Glaucoma Software (OD-Laser-induced eye, OS-Control eye).

Fig. Assessment of BMO-MRW by OCT Glaucoma Software (OD-Laser-induced eye, OS-Control eye)

Fig. Detection of Ganglion Cell Injury by Photopic Negative Response (PhNR) (OD-Laser-induced eye, OS-Control eye).